Novel Monday – The J. K. Rowling Problem

Happy Monday! Here at Messy Counters and Floured Paperbacks, Mondays will now be referred to as Novel Mondays.

Books will be read, reviews will be posted, the book of the week will be announced.

Fingers crossed my reviews don’t end up sounding like, “Uh… this book was good. Much enjoy.” Sometimes I do read a book and end up unable to specify what was good or bad about it. A serious effort will be made to avoid this. Attention will be paid. Notes may even be involved.

May I interrupt a moment to talk about how much I actually dislike the phrase fingers crossed? What is the point? How does it work? Is it some magical invocation? What entity am I invoking with my crossed fingers? Perhaps I will actually put some research to this, but I’ve never felt the power of the crossed fingers.  Just… why?

Anyway, back on track!

Novel Monday.

“The Casual Vacancy” by J. K. Rowling. That’s this weeks book.

The Casual Vacancy - J. K. Rowling

The Casual Vacancy – J. K. Rowling

Now, for some reason I have an aversion to J. K. Rowling. Not that I didn’t enjoy the Harry Potter novels. Younger me loved those books. But somewhere along  the way I heard a number of things about J. K. that made me dislike her, and somehow the feeling has persisted past the reasoning. But today I am setting all that aside to give this book a go.

I’ll see you next Monday for review and a new book announcement!

P.S. – I may see you before then for something food related. 🙂


My name is Katherine Elizabeth.

I am 25.

I am confused. Adrift.

I quit my job last month. I haven’t found a new one yet. I (as most people I’m sure) don’t really want to find a new job.

I am working on being an awesome housewife. I enjoy cooking, am working on loving cleaning, and am trying to  enjoy this time without a boss.

As the title may indicate I like to read and cook. I am planning on writing about both of these passions here.

I am starting this blog project, to focus my energies on something I enjoy and make myself accountable for things I say I’m going to do.

So… Hello.